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Snooze for a set day/time

snooze option to set for a set day/time, (i.e. the day you come back from a vacation)
almost 2 years ago in Snooze 0 Backlog

Hide Auto Responder from Preview on Mobile

By allowing the conversation list to omit the preview text for the message for auto responder messages, the team can focus more on real person content. This also helps match the Desktop app Experience
almost 2 years ago in Mobile 0 Backlog

Keap (InfusionSoft CRM) integration
almost 2 years ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog

Slab integration

No description provided
almost 2 years ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog

Ability to archive / undelete message templates

This is truly useful for very large companies.
over 3 years ago in Object/resource management 2 Backlog

Add a "Select all" option in tag filters for Analytics

When you want to report on all tags except a few, you can Select all > deselect the few you don't want.
almost 2 years ago in Insights 1 Backlog

[granularity] Improve the granularity of summaries details to include the inquiry, steps taken, entities shared like conv_ID, error codes ….

The summary's structure and granularity don't match all use cases. Support agents need more specific information than a collaborator or manager joining a conversation
6 months ago in AI / AI summary 0 Planned

Simplified Skin Tone Selection for Emoji

Similar to how Apple does it on iOS, it would be beneficial to have a more intuitive way to change skin tones/colors of emojis. Perhaps implementing a feature where users can right-click on an emoji to quickly select the desired skin tone would gr...
12 months ago in Compose - write efficiently with quality 0 Backlog

Tags on calendar events

Ability to add tags to events on the calendar.
over 2 years ago in Managing/Updating Events 0 Backlog

Back to previous conversation

Like in a web browser if we could go back to the previous page (conversation in this case) it would be pretty usefull for merging and "linking" conversation together.
over 1 year ago in P1 navigation - left pane 1 Backlog