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Only notify me when a new chat conversation begins, not for each message

Currently I am notified every time a chat message comes in, which means I get a ton of notifications all the time. I'd prefer to only be notified when a new chat conversation comes in (once I know there's a new chat conversation, I tend to stay on...
over 1 year ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog

Send notification when conversations is reported as phishing or spam

Allow admins to configure an address that phishing emails should be sent to
almost 4 years ago in Admin Experience / Channel management / Security 1 Backlog

Increase the number of pinned views in the sidebar

Increase the amount of views pinned to the sidebar to be more than 50 this is really helpful to maintain the organization of the workflow =
4 months ago in Views 0 Backlog

Add an option to individually sorting the different status tabs of an inbox

We would be interested in having the option to have individual sorting orders for the different status tabs of an inbox, for example, being able to sort the assigned tickets oldest-to-newest, but having the archive status be simultaneously sorting...
4 months ago in P2 display - conversation list 0 Backlog

Adjust displayed hours in calendar view

The ability to narrow the times displayed on the week view of the calendar. Currently it shows 24 hours, when only ~9 are going to have any events. This squeezes all the events in that time frame. Changing the view to 12 hours or less would make t...
4 months ago in Calendar View 0 Backlog

Open all conversations of metrics details with a P2+P3 UI

I want to be able to access a list of conversions directly in the inbox, so that I can navigate faster between them and take action on them
4 months ago in Analytics - Widgets - timeline 0 Backlog

Ability for end-users to add suggestions for KB articles

The ability for end-users to "suggest" articles that need to be written by admins, and even create the article, but make it so the admin still needs to review and publish
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

Calendar Feature

There should be a calendar available in front without having to link it to an outside email source such as Gmail.
about 1 year ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Allow to Download Inline Images from WhatsApp senders

Currently in the desktop app is not Possible to dowload Images send from Senders. you need to switch to browser and download via right click.
about 1 year ago in Desktop / Developer Platform 0 Backlog

Ability to trigger rules when a teammate becomes OOO

Example: WHEN "Inbox Owner" is OOO, THEN "Notify Teammate"
almost 2 years ago in Workflows 1 Backlog