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Channel management

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Send notification when conversations is reported as phishing or spam

Allow admins to configure an address that phishing emails should be sent to
almost 4 years ago in Admin Experience / Channel management / Security 1 Backlog

Use old sync logic for initial inbox import

Submitting this on a behalf of a customer. It would be nice if for the initial import of an inbox if we synced over things we normally don't on the new sync logic. So statuses like Read/Unread. The reason is that for new users it's hard for them t...
about 1 year ago in Channel management / Two-way sync 0 Backlog

Notify all shared inbox teammates that channel requires reauthorization

Currently, if a channel needs to be reauthorized, only the admin is notified. We should extend this notification to all users, suggesting they contact their admin to reauth.
over 1 year ago in Channel management 0 Backlog

Add phrase to channel deletion message regarding draft deletion

Users are not notified that drafts are deleted when a channel is removed from Front. A message should be added that drafts will be deleted as well.
almost 2 years ago in Channel management 0 Backlog