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Enable notifications for discussions

Enable pop up notifications for discussions (Not just conversations with emails and comments)
about 4 years ago in Notifications 1 Backlog

KB - Publish the same article or section across multiple knowledge bases

First of all - loving it. I'd like to be able to have a section of content shared across multiple KB's that also each have custom content. I will have about 8 distinct user groups in Front and I'd love to be able to keep the general "getting start...
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

Exclude Tags from Views

Currently, creating a view allows you to include certain tags within the view, but does not present an opportunity to exclude specifics tags. Excluding tags can be useful in a scenario where you want to view the majority of content, with only a fe...
over 1 year ago in Tags 0 Backlog

Phone Number Handle - Redirect Configuration

Add the ability to configure the link on phone number handle as a redirect to the phone system of choice for a customer. Right now it opens up a new Conversation in Front and it would be more helpful if there was flexibility to open up a VOIP instead
over 1 year ago in Partner Integrations 0 Backlog

Hide CSAT links on WhatsApp conversations

Hide survey links sent in Whatsapp conversations to prevent teammates from filling out the CSAT survey for themselves.

Enhance public API to support search

Customer wants the ability to embed their public-facing KB to their website, and then be able to search articles directly in their website. If the public API included search functionality, this would be doable
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

"Reply to most recent" button when someone emails back as you're composing

Scenario: you're the middle of composing a long, formatted email when someone replies to the email thread you're replying to. You have to copy your email draft's contents, trash the draft, click "Reply all" on the most recent response, and then pa...
4 months ago in Composer 1 Backlog

Dynamic objects: allow options without a static prefix/suffix

For example, hexadecimal strings of a specific length should be allowed to be turned into dynamic objects even without a static prefix.
about 1 year ago in Dynamic objects 0 Backlog

Increase the character limit for Front Chat

The limit is set to 2000 characters currently, it would be nice if this could be increased to avoid needing to send multiple messages or direct the customer to another form of communication i.e. email when dealing with a more complex inquiry.
over 1 year ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog

interact with the front calendar via API

Create calendar events. update calendar events. delete calendar events. all through api.
about 1 year ago in Calendar - other / Core API 0 Backlog