unsubscribe a user from a conversation rule action
Directly unsubscribe a user from a conversation via rules (for example unsubscribe the teammate that assign the conversation to another teammate) at this time.
As a user with lots of views, I would like to be able to nest/group views together and collapse groupings, so that my views are more manageable and easier to navigate.
Finer filters on conversations that data retention policy applies to
Currently, the data retention policy feature applies to all conversations when activated. How could we add the flexibility to exclude certain conversations from being automatically moved to trash. Some potential approaches Ability to whitelist cer...
Admins need to grant Workspace admins permission to edit teammate settings, manage access and invite new teammates to Front, so that their team can work autonomously. However, giving them this permission also grants them the ability to add new lic...
Certain applications (e.g. those with only a channel type) appear "enabled" in the app store and have no way to disable them. This makes it hard to understand what external services have access to Front data. There should be a way to remove these ...