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Allow OAuth clients to request additional permission scopes

When external applications request Front API access through OAuth2, they are limited to the "shared resources" scope, which grants access to API resources belonging to shared workspaces. This idea suggests expanding the available scopes that a use...
almost 4 years ago in Core API 3 Planned

@ Mention activity view or notification center

I am hoping it would possible to build-in a notification center that would house all activity where I am (or users) @ mentioned. If this is not possible, modifying rule limitations to expand across all inboxes I have access to, to apply a custom p...
almost 2 years ago in Notifications 2 Backlog

Thread comments together

Comments build up quickly, and then it gets difficult to dig through a wall of grey comment boxes. This would introduce the ability to have comments that are threaded together.
almost 2 years ago in Comments / @ mentions 0 Backlog

Initiate an email from a personal address in a shared inbox

I'd like to be able to start an email "in a shared mailbox" but sending from my personal email address/inbox so that any replies show up in the shared mailbox as open/assigned to me. Most of our users communicate with customers using their own ema...
over 1 year ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Telegram - mobile number integration

Being able to use a mobile number that's linked to an existing Telegram account would be a more seamless connection experience for Front users. From the customers' perspective, this would also be an ideal solution since they would not have to chan...
12 months ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog

Multi select Knowledge Base articles

there’s no multi-select or select-all for moving content around - has to be done 1 by 1, which is inefficient
10 months ago in Knowledge Base 1 Backlog

Include all Slack message content for bot messages

Bots often add "attachments" or "blocks" with additional message content. These are not included in the message text since their intended use seems to be for "lower priority content", according to the Slack docs.
over 1 year ago in Other channels 0 Backlog

Option for Display Unread messages first in Inbox

Currently, only New Unreplied can be used but not all unread messages need a reply. Unread first is a basic feature that I think a lot of people use!
12 months ago in Core Product Experience 1 Backlog

Bring my own AI systems to Front

Want to connect my own AI directly inside Front. Things like AI assistant/co-pilot that works within Front . listen and build a context about the conversation assist: suggest best resources keep conversation on track by nudging agent to detect ext...
7 months ago in AI / AI extensibility 1 Backlog

Clarify inbound messages, outbound messages and comments in Chat conversations

The new design of a Chat conversation means that Inbound messages, Outbound messages and internal notes/comments can be difficult to distinguish due to the shades of blue and grey used. The compose box also now has a "Shared Draft" bar at all time...
almost 2 years ago in Live Chat 1 Backlog