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Ability to delete a knowledge base

Today, users can delete all the content in a KB and rename it or they can unpublish a KB but there is no way to delete it entirely
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 3 Already available

Notifications / new message sound for chat visitors

Each time we send a message to the customer, a notification sound should alert them. This will enhance our ability to offer effective support, enabling them to respond promptly to our messages.
over 1 year ago in Front Chat 0 Backlog

Schedule emails for the Live Dashboard

Be able to keep track of open / waiting etc. conversations on a regular basis
about 2 months ago in Insights 0 Backlog

Update metric calculation for "new" and "closed workload"

Currently, the scope of the report is not taken into account when calculating the metrics, leading to multiple counts. Ex: conversation is moved from inbox A to B. It will increment the new workload by one (for B) and the closed workload by one (f...
about 2 months ago in Insights 0 Backlog

Remove "unresolved conversations" from Analytics

The metric is confusing and does not fulfil the user's expectations. It is particularly wrong in the time breakdowns (heat map, time chart)
about 2 months ago in Insights 0 Backlog

Ability to view draft revision history

When collaborating with teammates on email drafts, a revision history would allow for worry-free collaboration, keeping drafts of emails from accidentally being deleted. Auto saving drafts every few seconds when composing an email then being able ...
almost 2 years ago in Composer 1 Backlog

Real-time translations in Front - Google Cloud Translation API

A Front Translate module - Front user pick Translation engine. The possibility to connect your own Google Cloud Translation (account) to Front. Very easy to get started via the Google Cloud Console. Incoming messages can be translated in real time...
over 1 year ago in New integration requests 1 Backlog

Export message templates to CSV

Provide an overview off all message templates when doing housekeeping and auditing. This could be a global export and/or per-Workspace.
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 2 Backlog

[accuracy] Option to reuse the message samples used for training after a tag deletion

Case: after tag deletion Situation: Currently, when an admin deletes an AI tag from an AI tagging rule, the associated message samples used for training are also removed. If the admin wishes to add the tag back, they must go through the process of...
5 months ago in AI / AI tagging 0 Backlog

Calendar Out of Office / Working Elsewhere

1. Add "show as" options for Out of Office at least - working elsewhere (Outlook offers this) would be nice but not necessary. 2. We would like to mirror the "Out of Office" setting from Gmail calendar in the Front calendar with the possibility to...
over 1 year ago in Calendar View 1 Backlog