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Allow Workspace admins to create and manage teammate Groups

Allow users other than company admins to create, edit and delete teammate Groups, including the ability to add teammates to Groups. This could be a permission granted to users, or a company-wide setting that allows Workspace to manage teammate Gro...
over 2 years ago in Teammate Groups 2 Planned

Rules for Discussions

Adding the ability to apply rules to Discussions in the same way rules can be applied to messages in inboxes. A new trigger for "discussion is added" or something along those lines so we can auto-tag/assign/archive discussions following the same w...
almost 2 years ago in Workflows 0 Backlog

Chat - Display customer's geo location

When chatting with a customer, have the ability to see their current geographic location. This is important for businesses who have to comply with export restrictions.
5 months ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog

Manage Teammates Sidebar as an admin

As a Front Admin, I want to be able manage my teammates' sidebar.
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Backlog

Allow users to split non-email conversations

For many third-party channels, messages and call logs tied to one contact thread in one long conversation, which can be messy for users. The ability to split these messages into new conversations will help to organize their communications better i...
about 1 year ago in Core Product Experience / Developer Platform 0 Backlog

Message templates for comments

Be able to create message templates for comments the way you can for emails today.
over 3 years ago in Comments / @ mentions 4 Backlog

Export Analytics metrics "Time spent in..."

The "Time spent in" metrics are available in the Analytics UI but not in the API or exports
29 days ago in Insights 0 Backlog

Display timezone of reports in Analytics

Metrics are affected by the user's timezone. Users in different timezones will see different values, but have no clear way to notice why.
29 days ago in Insights 0 Backlog

Default preferences for company or team

I’d like the ability to set the default preferences for my company. This is similar to but I’d like to set a default value that the user can choose to customise if they wish. My specific use case is that...

React instantly to CSAT ratings

As a support manager, I need a way to be notified in real time when I receive a CSAT with certain characteristics (score, account...) so that I can react immediately
5 months ago in CSAT 1 Backlog