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LinkedIn messages channel

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almost 3 years ago in New integration requests 6 Backlog

Integration with Microsoft OneNote

An integration with OneNote would be really useful Within Outlook, users can just click a button and their email details, including files, can be sent to OneNote, to collect both the email info and meeting notes, and things unrelated to email into...
about 1 year ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog

Drag & drop attachments from Front emails on Mac

Currently, it's impossible to drag&drop attachments from Front to external applications (such as Google Chrome, Drive etc.) on Mac. It is possible on PC but not on Mac. This is a huge productivity killer and therefore will make a very big impa...
over 1 year ago in Attachments 0 Backlog

Allow Workspace admins to create and manage teammate Groups

Allow users other than company admins to create, edit and delete teammate Groups, including the ability to add teammates to Groups. This could be a permission granted to users, or a company-wide setting that allows Workspace to manage teammate Gro...
over 2 years ago in Teammate Groups 2 Planned

Rules for Discussions

Adding the ability to apply rules to Discussions in the same way rules can be applied to messages in inboxes. A new trigger for "discussion is added" or something along those lines so we can auto-tag/assign/archive discussions following the same w...
about 2 years ago in Workflows 0 Backlog

Option to assign through rules even if assignee is Out Of Office

When a teammate’s status is set to Out of Office, provide an option to allow new conversation assignments from rules and prevent unassigning existing conversations when new activity occurs.
about 4 years ago in Assign 0 Backlog

Give customer the choice between multiple 3rd party spell checkers

Currently Front supports spell checking using Grammarly. However, some customers would prefer to have the choice the use other spell checkers, like Microsoft spell checker, as there are cases where they can provide better suggestions.
about 1 year ago in Composer 1 Will not do

Message templates for comments

Be able to create message templates for comments the way you can for emails today.
over 3 years ago in Comments / @ mentions 4 Backlog

Make Calendars available in Shared inboxes

We're often using user-email-accounts for shared inboxes / channels. However, we cannot use the calendar function as a "shared calendar". A support of this would be much appreciated because it also happens that we are using Gmail for user inboxes ...
about 1 year ago in Core Product Experience 1 Backlog

Pass date DV into Connector

Be able to pass date DV into Connector input field
28 days ago in Developer Platform 0