Conditional signatures to set details based on directory contacts
Can we look at being able to use if-statements in company wide signatures? We currently use Exclaimer which allows us to set picture and detail information based on various information in the Azure directory. The logos and pictures live in Exclaim...
Access runbooks, SOPs, checklists in the conversation
Often times, our staff needs to reference checklists and SOPs that guide them on how to resolve a customer request or to perform an assigned task that came into a shared inbox. Often times our teams have to go to an outside system to find the SOPs...
To make sure all contacts get created in the synced CRM automatically rather than having to remember to do it manually. One way to do this would be through some sort of rule action
Remove fields from existing Salesforce / Hubspot contact once the field is removed from sync settings
When a contact field is removed in the Salesforce / Hubspot sync settings, this field should be removed for all existing contacts. As of today, if a field is removed from the sync settings, the field is not removed from existing contacts. Only new...
We have many different team members who do not use all of (or any of) our team inboxes, and do not need to see all of our message template folders mixed in with their personal message templates. It slows people down and is annoying to have to scro...
Currently, sequences can only be sent to pre-defined, static groups, or individual email addresses. This would be more flexible if groups could be defined dynamically, such as contacts with certain attributes.