Ability to "mark conversations as distinct" so that option to merge disappears?
It would be great to have a way to "mark conversations as distinct" or "keep separate" so that the option to merge disappears at the bottom of the conversation (if it's appearing to being with). We've noticed use cases where we need to keep conver...
Specify fields to receive in Application Webhook events
My team uses Application Webhooks to ingest data from Front. We generally only need to access certain fields in an event payload, with most of the data in the payload being discarded. To help save on our ingress bandwidth costs (and Front's egress...
Ability to log email to multiple Salesforce contacts at same time
The Front Salesforce plugin is great for logging emails to SFDC on an ad-hoc basis! However, if you have multiple SFDC contacts on an email, you have to log the email to each of their SFDC profiles individually. It would be an amazing time-saver i...