Instead of "From 9 to 5 from Mon to Fri", be able to say "From 9 to 5 from Mon to Fri, except on Dec 25, Jan 1, etc". This allows to take plan for holidays, teammate PTOs, company events, etc.
The existing time criteria all exist as conditions to rules rather than triggers. For an overnight coverage use case it would be extremely helpful to have a time-based trigger be capable of taking action on a conversation. "When the clock strikes ...
Some users like using the snooze function. But we may have a bit of trouble if something is snoozed but reappears while the assigned person is Out of office status. Then the thread is unassigned and we can lose track of it. Not a big emergency but...
Select channel when replying or forwarding with rules
Ability to change the channel used when replying or forwarding with rules. This useful when a conversation moves around multiple inboxes with different channels.
The ability to view & search within all rules that a company has
Giving admins the ability to have a top-down view of all rules that their company has. Would allow admins to search for specific rules based on their conditions.
Adding the ability to apply rules to Discussions in the same way rules can be applied to messages in inboxes. A new trigger for "discussion is added" or something along those lines so we can auto-tag/assign/archive discussions following the same w...
Extend Shifts functionality to include Busy status instead of just out of office.
This is useful since members of my sales team want to make sure that we get our direct communications, but I'd like the new group emails to go to the next available rep. I have a team that mixes both direct and group emails.