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Option to create "personal" views, only regarding conversations in "Inbox"

Hi,I would welcome a feature in which I could create views that only show conversations in my "Inbox" (messages "Assigned to me", "Shared with me", "Discussions" and personal mail). Thanks
over 1 year ago in Views 0 Backlog

Allow external users to receive emails of chat transcripts

We have external users who don't login to Front who like to see what customers are asking at a glance. When we used Intercom, they could receive chat transcripts in their inbox. If similar functionality was possible at Front that would be great!
about 1 year ago in Activation / Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Shortcut for Forward as New Conversation

Good morning Would it be possible to request a shortcut for Forward as a new Conversation please? We forward a lot of itineraries throughout the day and to make sure the subject line is open when I do this, I have to forward as a new conversation....
about 1 year ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Setting to disable Front search which overrules the browser search

Hi, Loving FrontApp and we have been using it for years. But the new search function (Control F) which overrules my browser search function is unfortunately not working properly. Please let us disable this search function and use the browser searc...
over 1 year ago in Search 3 Backlog

Updating metadata in context links

Currently, the metadata for a context link is only updated when it is created ("encountered in a message or comment"). This means that dynamic data like order status, shipping ETAs, shipping status etc is likely to be out-dated and wrong. Having t...
over 1 year ago in Developer Platform 1 Will not do

Ability to log emails to Hubspot deals, not just contacts

Essentially make it work the exact same as the Gmail HubSpot plugin.
about 2 years ago in Existing integrations 1 Backlog

Add "seen" event in webhook API support

To monitor the "seen" status of messages, api clients currently need to implement a polling strategy. Adding a seen event to enable web-hook integration, will limit api usage and improve state change detection.
about 2 years ago in Core API 0 Backlog

Quote comment support on mobile

No description provided
over 1 year ago in Comments / @ mentions / Mobile 0 Backlog

Allow admins to disable Report Phishing option

Typically a "Report Phishing" button is a cybersecurity function that goes to the IT team or Security team or a 3rd party cybersecurity partner. Currently, the report phishing button only reports to Front. Requesting the ability to turn this off.
over 1 year ago in Resource access settings 1 Backlog

Ability to choose download location for email attachment

No description provided
about 2 years ago in Attachments 0 Backlog