Currently there's private and public contacts. However, we have several different shared inboxes having to weed through all the contacts to send a message. Can contacts be saved to a shared inbox or multiple shared inboxes -- then you only have ac...
It would great to have the ability to see if a user has seen our outbound messages through our Instagram inbox connection! In addition, the ability to unsend a message in Front (the same way you can unsend a message in Instagram) as opposed to sim...
Include outbound (my replies) emails in "newest" sort in personal inbox
Today's Options: The "newest" sorting allows users to always get the latest email on top, but outbound emails (my replies) are excluded from being considered "new". My replies do appear on top on the "newest unreplied" sorting, but then I don't ge...
Option to create "personal" views, only regarding conversations in "Inbox"
Hi,I would welcome a feature in which I could create views that only show conversations in my "Inbox" (messages "Assigned to me", "Shared with me", "Discussions" and personal mail). Thanks
Setting to disable Front search which overrules the browser search
Hi, Loving FrontApp and we have been using it for years. But the new search function (Control F) which overrules my browser search function is unfortunately not working properly. Please let us disable this search function and use the browser searc...