AI Reporting Insights: Copilot for Front Conversations
Front could build a copilot or in-app reporting powered by AI that ingests and analyzes Front conversations/Support tickets/sales transcripts to produce useful and actionable Support/Product insights. The AI can report the most common feature requ...
Option to create "personal" views, only regarding conversations in "Inbox"
Hi,I would welcome a feature in which I could create views that only show conversations in my "Inbox" (messages "Assigned to me", "Shared with me", "Discussions" and personal mail). Thanks
Keep 1 pinned comment in the email view at all times
When you make a new comment, it shows on the email "feed" (the section between the opened email and the left sidebar where all the emails are), but when someone replies, the comment disappears from the "feed". You can still find it if you open the...
Setting to disable Front search which overrules the browser search
Hi, Loving FrontApp and we have been using it for years. But the new search function (Control F) which overrules my browser search function is unfortunately not working properly. Please let us disable this search function and use the browser searc...