Right now the native Salesforce sidebar plugin supports a "Create Task" feature. It would be helpful to also include a "Log Message as Email" feature to allow my team to log specific messages to Salesforce as Emails via the plugin (rather than as ...
We would love to have the option to add GIFs to our Knowledge Base articles. An option similar to the already existing one in the Discussions chat field would be an amazing addition.
It doesn't seem like you can click an email and drag between individual inboxes in your Me section. I can change it in the inbox selector but that brings in the entire list of shared inboxes which is overwhelming. I just want to be able to click a...
Managers may have an internal discussion about a task list pertaining to an email conversation. Rather than add the task list to the comments of the email conversation, they'd like to create a separate discussion for the task list and link that di...
An admin can view which teammate Groups a given teammate belongs to, but it can only be edited from the teammate Groups. This means that I want to add a user to multiple teammate Groups I must navigate to each one.