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Create invite based on conversation recipients/participants

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Cal/scheduling efficiency / Create New Event 0 Backlog

Assign Front Academy Courses/Paths

Customers want to be able to programmatically assign specific Front Academy courses to users. For example, when a new user is added to Front, they want a series of courses to be assigned to them.
7 months ago in Activation 0 Backlog

Show calendar invites in Sent folder

View calendar invites that I have created in my Sent folder
about 2 years ago in Calendar - other 0 Backlog

Support custom Zoho fields and layouts

Support custom layouts Case 1 Currently, for integration for Zoho CRM uses the default CRM layout for modules, like leads, contacts etc. Many customers will use a custom layout, meaning that they cannot use the integration effectively side from ju...
over 1 year ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog

Schedule emails for the Live Dashboard

Be able to keep track of open / waiting etc. conversations on a regular basis
about 2 months ago in Insights 0 Backlog

Update metric calculation for "new" and "closed workload"

Currently, the scope of the report is not taken into account when calculating the metrics, leading to multiple counts. Ex: conversation is moved from inbox A to B. It will increment the new workload by one (for B) and the closed workload by one (f...
about 2 months ago in Insights 0 Backlog

Remove "unresolved conversations" from Analytics

The metric is confusing and does not fulfil the user's expectations. It is particularly wrong in the time breakdowns (heat map, time chart)
about 2 months ago in Insights 0 Backlog

Analytics - Hourly breakdown of assigned chats

As a support leader, I would like to see an hourly breakdown of all chats that have been assigned to my team/
6 months ago in Insights 0 Already available

Ability to change font when using mobile app.

Everyone using this app would benefit from the ability to change fonts when working on mobile. It goes without saying the value this would add as many prefer to maintain their own styles without deviating should they be working away from the offic...
over 1 year ago in Mobile 1 Backlog

Views with more filter criteria

For example:- unassigned- archived- custom conversation fields
over 1 year ago in Navigate - find your work 1 Backlog