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[context] AI suggested replies to use message templates as a context

Teams who don't have a KB, store their Knowledge in Message Templates. It would be helpful to have Suggested Replies look through existing message templates
6 months ago in AI / AI knowledge / AI suggested replies (auto draft) 0 Backlog

Update Twilio SMS Channel Credentials in App

Currently it's not possible for team's to update their Account SID or Auth Token within the channel settings of their Twilio SMS channel. To update their credentials they have to reach out to the Support team which can take some time for a respons...
3 months ago in Default channel management 0 Backlog

Display exact age of metrics

As a support agent or a support manager, I need to know how fresh is the data I'm looking at, so that I can trust its value.
5 months ago in Insights - Systems 0 Backlog

Open facebook channel for lead ad messages

Currently today, we only support comments and direct messages in fb messenger. However, messages originating as Facebook messenger/lead ads are not syncing in Front. This would be helpful to capture more inbound communications/opportunities.
5 months ago in Facebook / Other channels 0 Backlog

Send event reminder emails to guests who book from scheduling links

For attendees who sign up from my scheduling link, send automated email reminders to them ahead of the meeting.
over 2 years ago in Attendee management / Scheduling Links 1 Backlog

Ability to use the chat visitor inactivity and/or the time the chat visitor has spent on a chatbot flow step as a trigger for a chatbot action

We would like the ability to use set different actions based on how long a chat visitor spends on a step / if they don't interact with the step for a certain amount of time. For example, if they're stuck on a step for too long, we'd like to build ...
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 0 Backlog

More granular permissions for rule creation

Ability to have more granular permissions when it comes to "rule creation". It would be important to have some rule templates/rule types that certain users can create

Changing the transcript email subject line from Front Chat

Currently, when the customer is being sent the transcript email from the Chat, the subject line is "Chat". It would be amazing if this could be configured to something more tailored for a better customer experience.
over 1 year ago in Front Chat 1 Backlog

Slack channel integration — support syncing message edits

Once a message comes in from Slack, any edits that the original creator makes are not updated in Front, making it possible to miss information without going back to check the message in Slack. Images as an example.
about 2 years ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog

Rules action - Merge contacts

Rule action to merge the contact to an existing one (for channels that are not emails, using a different handle like chat).
about 1 year ago in Workflows 0 Backlog