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Auto Provisioning of Office 365 Channels

I am not sure the technical feasibility of doing something like this, but I would like to be able to auto-provision new users' Office 365 channels. Currently we have an SCIM bridge to Entra which adds the team member, but the user then has to manu...
about 1 month ago in Admin Experience 0 Backlog

Loops in rules to process multiple items in a list

Ability to set a looping logic for rules to process multiple items in a list. E.g. split an array to send an app request for each item in the array.
3 months ago in Workflows 0 Backlog

UI to build forms for embedding in external website

I was on a call with Tarion and they wanted to be able to embed a form on their website but they're not that technically sufficient with HTML, so they're probably going to use a 3P. It would be great if Front could provide a drag and drop feature ...
over 1 year ago in Other channels 1 Backlog

CES: Customer Effort Score - Analytic metric

Description of the Feature: The Customer Effort Score (CES) is a critical metric for assessing the ease with which customers can interact with a support team to resolve their issues. It is a survey post-interaction with customers asking something ...
over 1 year ago in Metrics 1 Backlog

Manually Close / End a Front Chat conversation

As an operator / agent, I'd like to be able to "end" a chat with a customer. They can still start a new one.
over 1 year ago in Live Chat 0 Planned

Google Task Integration.

Ability to add Google Tasks and get alerts on comments.
over 1 year ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog

Keyboard shortcut: select all (Ctrl+A) in the Spam & Trash folder to mass delete

Today, we are unable to use the select all shortcut in the spam folder, which makes mass deletion of spam messages difficult.
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience / Keyboard shortcuts / Triage - get to inbox 0 1 Backlog

Google Worskspace Teammate Template Support

Ability for Google Workspace IdP to use Front's teammate templates in managing provisioning of users
about 1 month ago in Admin Experience 0 Backlog

Ability to hide fields when creating or updating a module in Zoho

In the Zoho plugin, you can edit what fields are visible when viewing modules like a contact or lead. However, there is no way to hide certain fields from appearing the create or edit UIs. This would be useful since many of those fields are option...

Disable contact exporting for non-admins

Provide admin the ability to turn off contacts exporting for non-admins
almost 2 years ago in Contacts / Export 3 Backlog