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CES: Customer Effort Score - Analytic metric

Description of the Feature: The Customer Effort Score (CES) is a critical metric for assessing the ease with which customers can interact with a support team to resolve their issues. It is a survey post-interaction with customers asking something ...
over 1 year ago in Metrics 1 Backlog

Rank search results based on the recency of the match and not the most recent activity on the conversation

Description: Search results are ranked chronologically but based on the last activity time of a conversation containing a match, and not based on the activity time of the search match in the conversation. For example for the search query: acme@acm...
almost 2 years ago in Search Ranking 0 Backlog

Manually Close / End a Front Chat conversation

As an operator / agent, I'd like to be able to "end" a chat with a customer. They can still start a new one.
over 1 year ago in Live Chat 0 Planned

Google Task Integration.

Ability to add Google Tasks and get alerts on comments.
over 1 year ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog

Keyboard shortcut: select all (Ctrl+A) in the Spam & Trash folder to mass delete

Today, we are unable to use the select all shortcut in the spam folder, which makes mass deletion of spam messages difficult.
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience / Keyboard shortcuts / Triage - get to inbox 0 1 Backlog

Display exact age of metrics

As a support agent or a support manager, I need to know how fresh is the data I'm looking at, so that I can trust its value.
4 months ago in Insights - Systems 0 Backlog

Open facebook channel for lead ad messages

Currently today, we only support comments and direct messages in fb messenger. However, messages originating as Facebook messenger/lead ads are not syncing in Front. This would be helpful to capture more inbound communications/opportunities.
4 months ago in Facebook / Other channels 0 Backlog

Disable contact exporting for non-admins

Provide admin the ability to turn off contacts exporting for non-admins
almost 2 years ago in Contacts / Export 3 Backlog

Customize Analytics report layout

Ability to resize, move, duplicate, or rearrange objects (graphs, tables, etc) in Analytics report.
about 2 years ago in Analytics Widgets / Insights 2 Backlog

Suggest knowledge base links in chat based on key words

When using the website chatbot, it would be awesome when a "key word" from a knowledge base article is used in the question to populate with "does this answer your question" and the article link. Then if it doesn't they can keep typing in the chat...
12 months ago in Chatbots / Knowledge Base 1 Backlog