[context] AI to "understand" images (summary, similar conversation, tagging, suggested replies & AI answer ...)
Request: AI features to be multi-modal, meaning they could understand images within the content they are based on. For example, SimilarConversation could recommend a conversation that includes a similar image, AI tagging could classify content bas...
Our team sometimes needs to preview a full message template before selecting it, so it would be great to have a way to do this without having to select the message template. Have a preview button option that pulls up a modal with the full template.
Giving Admins more confidence that no conversations are left behind thanks to rules. Front already supports queuing conversations that cannot be assigned immediately but we want to make improvements to the experience: giving Admins visibility on t...
The ability to collapse subtags under the parent tag on the mobile app
It would be super helpful if you could collapse all subtags under the parent tag on mobile. If you have a lot of tags it takes a lot of scrolling to be able to get through them all to get to a tag group that's listed closer to the bottom