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End shifts in the busy status

Set up shifts so that teammates are set as "Busy" X min before the end of their shifts, in order to allow for a smoother end of work transition. This way, teammates can finish their work without getting assigned brand new conversations that will r...
7 months ago in Admin Experience / Workforce management 0 Backlog

Remain on the last selected email when going back to the inbox

If I click on the Send folder then go back to the Inbox, the inbox should not automatically select the newest email, it should remain on the last email that was selected in the Inbox
about 1 year ago in P2 display - conversation list 1 Backlog

Improved calendar notification for date/time changes

If a calendar invite has been changed, the notification which comes through does not always show the date/time of the meeting, just that the meeting has been changed. I then have to go into my Outlook calendar to check what that notification says.
over 1 year ago in Calendar View / Managing/Updating Events 0 Backlog

Customized send later time selection

Need the ability to create customized send later time options, beyond the presets available in Setting > Personal > Preferences > Send Later.
about 1 year ago in Compose - write efficiently with quality 4 Backlog

Attio CRM Integration

You have old-school legacy CRM integrations like Hubspot & Salesforce... please make now asap one for the next-gen, modern, powerful, flexible and data-driven CRM
about 1 year ago in New integration requests 2 Backlog

Configure redirection link on company logo for knowledge base

Ability to customize the link of the company logo to redirect to another link i.e. company website instead of the knowledge base home page.
12 months ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

Auto Provisioning of Office 365 Channels

I am not sure the technical feasibility of doing something like this, but I would like to be able to auto-provision new users' Office 365 channels. Currently we have an SCIM bridge to Entra which adds the team member, but the user then has to manu...
about 1 month ago in Admin Experience 0 Backlog

"Snooze conversation" rule action

Ability to snooze a conversation from rules.
almost 4 years ago in Missing core rule actions 7 Backlog

Ability to select multiple attachments

Ability to select multiple files at once when attaching to an email
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 1 Backlog

Ability to log historical messages into Hubspot

We would like to synchronise all the historical messages from Front to Hubspot, rather than just new ones as they arrive.
almost 2 years ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog