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Contacts and accounts plugin on mobile app

Provide access to contacts and accounts, similar to the plug-in available on the web browser and desktop app.
6 months ago in Native features 0 Backlog

Ability to add / install custom fonts

Please add the ability to add / install custom fonts in order to support corporate branding, specific design/format needs, and more.
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 5 Backlog

Ability to add and remove inbox delegations for other teammates

Front's inbox delegation feature allows you to give another user temporary access to your inbox (to view and take some actions, but not respond or comment by impersonating you). It means that if a customer writes into that individual inbox, it won...
over 3 years ago in Admins can control more teammate settings 1 Backlog

Message templates - variable in Subject field

Today we can only insert message template variables in the body. The goal here is to be able to use variables in the subject field (optional field) of message templates.
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience / Message templates 0 Backlog

[core] AI tagging rule to support more triggers (e.g move, new inbound conversations)

Ideally, we'd want every conversation in our shared inboxes to get tagged so they can be triaged to the appropriate inbox. The AI tagging rule doesn't support moves Trigger on New Inbound Conversations Only: The AI tagging rule doesn't seem to sup...
8 months ago in AI / AI tagging 1 Backlog

Global Variable

I think it will be useful to have a place to add global variables with a predeterminate value that you can use later in the templates and the link of image in that way when a change is made to any of the link for example you only do the change in ...
26 days ago in Custom fields 0 Backlog

Filtering search on conversations with a single participant

Would help when I'm looking for a 1:1 discussion for instance, instead of surfacing all team discussions where this person is included
27 days ago in Filters 0 Backlog

Customising displayed search filters shortcuts

When I know I'm never using tag filters but I'm often leveraging the subject line for instance, it would be great to have the ability to select the filters displayed by default under the search bar
27 days ago in Filters 0 Backlog

Full offline mode

Ability to use the Front app while being offline - all major functionality
almost 4 years ago in Desktop 9 Backlog

The ability to view & search within all rules that a company has

Giving admins the ability to have a top-down view of all rules that their company has. Would allow admins to search for specific rules based on their conditions.
almost 2 years ago in Company rules 1 Backlog