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Shareable "message link" in the URL bar

Option to see shareable "message link" in the URL bar as Standard. I would appreciate it, because I often create backlinks between conversations. I often use the "save to notion" extension and it uses the URL, that is shown in the Browser
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Log messages as emails to Hubspot, not Notes

At the moment, emails are only added as Notes within HubSpot - not as actual copies of the emails received from contacts - which can be altered after the fact & easily skew reporting.
almost 2 years ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog

Fetching a teammate's Time Off via the API

Hi, I'd like to be able to fetch a teammate's vacation (wether if it's planned or ongoing) via an API endpoint. The end need would be to be able to alert specific clients on our webapp that the manager of their unit (as in real estate units) is un...
11 months ago in Teammate availability 0 Backlog

In-app (click able links) to conversations provided by API responses

you should put the conversation id in the response of the create draft endpoint (and other endpoint like create message) directly. I had to extract it out of the url `_links.related.conversation`. It would have been better to extract it out of the...
11 months ago in Core API 0 Backlog

Method CRM integration
almost 2 years ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog

Canny integration
almost 2 years ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog

Kayako Chat integration
almost 2 years ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog

Mimecast integration
almost 2 years ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog

Slite integration

Knowledge Base
almost 2 years ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog

Cisco Phone integration

No description provided
almost 2 years ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog