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Grammarly support in the mobile app

Not all of our employees have the desktop app. They are coaches and communicate with parents - and it would be useful to provide that functionality in the mobile app.
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Duplicate calendar events

No description provided
over 2 years ago in Create New Event 0 Backlog

[accuracy] See more similar conversations

It would be helpful if we could: flag suggested conversations that were not helpful (more often than not, there's at least 1 irrelevant suggested similar convo) have the AI generate more similar conversations if possible (when the user flags one o...
8 months ago in AI / AI similar conversations 0 Backlog

[UX] Better conversation preview for Similar Conversations

I wish to better understand if a similar conversation is a good one, so I can open it up and get the answer I need. I need to quickly see what a conversation is about. What about seeing a Similar Conversation answer, which is a text saying why thi...
8 months ago in AI / AI similar conversations 0 Backlog

Vacation Responder integration with Calendar Scheduler Plug-in

In order to block off your calendar to clients who use the calendar scheduling plug-in, currently we have to book an out of office event for the full day in our calendar. One recommendation I have is integrating this with the vacation responder, w...
over 1 year ago in Schedule - manage your calendar / Teammate availability 0 Backlog

Alias teammate email addresses in rule-set CSV file upload to Teammates in Front When you so a CSV file up-load into a rule-set table, email addresses don't link to Teammates in Front like they do when you do a CSV file upload for Accounts/Contacts. If...
over 1 year ago in Workflows 0 Backlog

Monday Integration - Assign Person and Add Date from w/in Front

Current Scenario: integration within Front currently only allows you to: select a Workspace a specific Board Group of items to create a new task into from the emails. Feature to add: It would be super useful to add two more options: 1. ...
over 1 year ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog

Turn off ability to edit the subject

No description provided
8 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Backlog

Allow Slack as an option for Video Conference

Slack offers the ability for huddles with audio and/or video conferencing. Since Slack is already an integration option with Front, please allow it to be an option for video conferencing. Currently, only Google Meet and Zoom are available options.
about 2 years ago in Calendar - other 0 Backlog

Tab Through to Dynamic Message Template Fields

I'd love to have to have the ability to tab through/to fields we need to upate with each email in message templates. Like custom fields that a user can open an email, insert the template, and then tab through to insert the data pertinent to that e...
about 2 years ago in Composer / Message templates 0 Backlog