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Ability to use custom fields / variables in chatbot flow

It would be helpful to be able to use custom fields / variables in chatbot flow messages like "Hi {visitor.first_name}" in order to personalize the chatbot flow more for chat visitors.
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 2 Planned

Customize chatbot flow based on contact fields

We would like to be able to customize the chatbot flow / serve our customers different flows depending on specific customer attributes (i.e., contact fields). Different customers fall under different categories in terms of how we will provide supp...
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 0 Backlog

Option for chat visitors to close the chatbot conversation themselves

As it is now, there is no way for a chat visitors to close the chat, instead of either waiting in the middle of a chat flow without reaching an end of path, or getting redirected to our inbox when it isn't necessary or if they have found the answe...
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 1 Backlog

Make it easier to create drafts for chatbots

It's hard to create drafts of chatbots / test chatbots now because every chatbot is tied to a channel. What I'd like to accomplish is to create a draft chatbot and make changes to it without having to have it connected to a specific channel. Curre...
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 0 Backlog

Track how many chat visitors click on links provided in chatbot flow

It would be helpful to be able to track how many chat visitors click on links provided in chatbot flow to see if the resources are helpful or not.
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 0 Backlog

Chatbots: Ability to combine certain options in a multiple choice question

Currently every multiple-choice option creates a new path. It would be helpful to be able to combine a subset (or all) of the multiple-choice option paths so we don't have to duplicate a path for each option.
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 0 Backlog

Multi language chatbot

Possibilty to detect user's browser language and adjust chatbot flow accordingly
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 0 Backlog

Increase functionality for multiple choice question for Front Chat

Customer would like to: 1) increase the number of options from 8 to something higher. Currently they need 10 but want the chance to expand further in the future 2) Increase the character limit from 35 for these options. The customer has a number o...
11 months ago in Chatbots / Front Chat / Live Chat 0 Backlog

Add nice link visualisation to chatbot

Right now, links (event those from the knowledge base) need to be sent as URL text. A nice to have would be to display a nicer block with a preview of the link webpage (like shown on the chatbot marketing assets at launch)
about 1 year ago in Chatbots / Live Chat 1 Backlog

Integrate chatbot with API

Integrate chatbot with API so we can automate lookups to external databases. Ex) Automate lookups like appointment time, enter a zip code to find store locations, etc.
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 0 Backlog