Knowledge Base usability & formatting improvements
When voting, please specify which one(s) of the below is the most important for you. Thanks Drag & drop article reordering Ability to add more than one image per line in knowledge base for better readability When editing the table, you always ...
Ability to add an assignee/owner for knowledge base articles
Have articles assigned to a teammate or teammate group so that the responsibility of keeping the article up to date is clear (like assigning, but for articles)
Use AI to generate Knowledge Base (KB) materials like FAQ or new articles
Use frequently asked questions from emails or conversations to generate an actual FAQ for the front Knowledge Base. Use email context to identify gaps in content and generate articles using AI.
Suggest knowledge base links in chat based on key words
When using the website chatbot, it would be awesome when a "key word" from a knowledge base article is used in the question to populate with "does this answer your question" and the article link. Then if it doesn't they can keep typing in the chat...
Option to display Knowledge Base widget (without live chat) during offline hours
Option to only show help centre from chat widget. Especially useful when chat is 'offline'. When offline hours are enabled, the widget is completely hidden from the site. This also hides the knowledge base, which seems like a strange thing to do. ...