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Customize the default time of 'Day & Time' snooze option

As a user who leverages snooze frequently, I'd like to change the 'Day & Time' snooze option to default to when I start my day (at 8am, instead of 9am), after a date is selected. I'd be able to snooze conversations accurately, with less clicks.
almost 2 years ago in Snooze 0 Backlog

Language detection: Japanese

Admins would like the ability for Front to detect Japanese for multiple use cases.
over 3 years ago in Rule conditions 1 Backlog

"Share" button that deep links to certain parts of the app (i.e. a link to a rule) from the desktop app

This would allow users to share specific rules, views, pages, inboxes, they are viewing with teammates. Currently not possible in the Desktop app.
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 1 Backlog

Trash/delete in Gmail don't sync with Front

Having to delete emails in both is a painful. I dont see a benefit in it not sychronising.
about 1 year ago in Email channels 2 Backlog

Set default attachment size for custom SMTP channel

Outbound mail we send via Front is routed via our custom SMTP server. We have a high attachment size limit (higher than Front's default ~25MB limit). I would like the option to set a default attachment size limit for new channels created in my tea...
about 1 year ago in Attachments / Email channels 0 Backlog

Language support: Italian

'the English language setup is a huge downside for our team.'Lost opportunity
about 1 year ago in All platforms 0 Backlog

Count emails over 100

I would like to be able to quantify the number of emails beyond 100. Because to date, I have to count them by hand!
about 1 year ago in Counters 0 Backlog

Show "drafts" as a filtered tab for an inbox

Right now, when I am in an inbox, the top shows filtered such as open, archived, and snoozed. I would love to be able to see drafts that are shared with the team with access to the inbox there as well.
almost 2 years ago in Shared drafts 1 Backlog

CSAT: instant rating capability

No description provided
over 2 years ago in CSAT - journey 0 Backlog

Link to standalone front chat window so customers don't need to embed on a website

Ability to trigger chat widget opening with a hyperlink (e.g., <a href> link) to make it easier to give customers direct access to chat.
over 2 years ago in Live Chat 2 Backlog