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Mobile Calendar - See more than 3 days

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over 1 year ago in Schedule - manage your calendar 0 Backlog

Automatically remove CSAT Survey rule tags after a user defined amount of time

Currently customers don't have a way to automate the removal of tags used in CSAT rules that send survey templates in app. This causes issues when customers have a large amount of conversations that use a channel type that does not typically creat...
over 1 year ago in CSAT / Workflows 0 Backlog

Restrict who you can @mention

In some cases it may be undesirable for users to mention other teammates, thereby inviting them to the conversation. Some examples Users should only be able to mention other teammates with access to the current Workspace Users should only be able ...
over 3 years ago in Restrictions 2 Backlog

Modify or Disable '/' Template Shortcut

Many companies or organisations use external software that is reliant on character shortcuts, such as '/'. This can conflict with Front's own built-in '/' shortcut for Templates. Allowing modification of this character or the option to disable thi...
5 months ago in Composer 0 Backlog

Simplify searching through different inboxes

Description: Sometime I forget or I don't see that my search location is either on "All inbox" or "Inbox". This results in not finding the result I seek or having to many results
almost 4 years ago in Search location 0 Backlog

Default to last signature in email thread

Dear Product Team, I am writing to you today to suggest a new feature for our product: the ability to keep the last used signature as the default signature in an email thread. I believe this feature would be a valuable addition to our product for ...
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience / Signatures 0 Backlog

[measure] Track conversation tagged by AI in export

Situation: As an admin, I want to be able to check / track conversations that have been tagged by AI so that I can audit them. Today, it is only possible to see them as part of the search when clicking on "View" inside the rule selected tags tab. ...
5 months ago in AI / AI tagging / AI tracking / Insights 0 Backlog

Request a Delivery Receipt

Some businesses are using Outlook delivery receipts emails as a formal legal guarantee that information has been shared and Front doesn't provide that today
5 months ago in Email channels 0 Backlog

More Granular Permissions for Moving Messages

Hi! I'd like to be able to restrict moving messages between workspaces. For example, I have an IT workspace that I'd rather users in my Production workspace not be able to move things to. There may also be inboxes in a workspace that people should...
over 1 year ago in Increase granularity of admin permissions / Permissions / Workspaces 0 Backlog

Rule Insight History Link

When you go in to edit a rule, it has the "Rule Insight" on the the far right. It displays some useful information. The Rule Insight shows the date and time when the rule was last applied. If you are an admin, it would be helpful to link you direc...
almost 2 years ago in Workflows 1 Backlog