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Expose Conversation Custom Fields to Plugin SDK

Right now if we need to access custom fields on a Conversation via the Plugin SDK, we need to issue a server-side API request to GET /conversations/:id. It would be helpful to expose conversation custom fields to the Plugin SDK in the same way as ...
10 months ago in SDK 1 Backlog

Merge conversations rule action

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Rule actions 0 Backlog

[measure] Track conversation tagged by AI in export

Situation: As an admin, I want to be able to check / track conversations that have been tagged by AI so that I can audit them. Today, it is only possible to see them as part of the search when clicking on "View" inside the rule selected tags tab. ...
5 months ago in AI / AI tagging / AI tracking / Insights 0 Backlog

Request a Delivery Receipt

Some businesses are using Outlook delivery receipts emails as a formal legal guarantee that information has been shared and Front doesn't provide that today
5 months ago in Email channels 0 Backlog

Disable dynamic variables within composer

Remove '{{ }}' function from the composer so it can be used in the email body
over 2 years ago in Message templates 1 Backlog

Tags API: add ability to see and set 'Archived' property

1) The GET /tags list should include a flag to indicate whether a tag has been archived 2) There should be a way to archive a Tag via API
almost 2 years ago in Core API 1 Backlog


There are several threads I want to review at a later time but the back and forth keeps waking the conversation up. I can MUTE a conversation, then click over to archive, and then SNOOZE it to get my desired outcome. However, a Mute and Snooze sou...
almost 2 years ago in Snooze / Triage - get to inbox 0 2 Backlog

Shopify integration: sync Shopify data to Front

Bring Shopify data (orders, customers and products) so we can use it (not just a visual in a side window). For example, creating rules and tags based off Shopify tags would be amazing. We use tags in Shopify extensively and would love our conversa...
almost 2 years ago in Existing integrations / Workflows 2 Backlog

Select signature when autoreplying

Self explanatory
over 3 years ago in Auto-reply 0 Backlog

[context] AI Compose based on most recent email in the thread

I'd like AI compose to mostly focus on the last email in the thread when composing a response, instead of pulling information from the entire thread.
over 1 year ago in AI / AI compose 0 Backlog