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Display more "oldest conversations" in the Live Dashboard

No description provided
4 months ago in Live dashboard 0 Backlog

Shared scheduling link for multiple people

Ability to have scheduling links for 2 or more people so that all teammates can offer their availability and a guest can schedule with any of them.
about 4 years ago in Cal Collaboration / Scheduling Links 0 Backlog

[language] Translate selected portion of previous messages

Currently the "Compose with AI" Translate option is only available for the messaging being composed - it would be very helpful if we can also highlight text from earlier conversations and have that translated as well within Front app. Perhaps as a...
7 months ago in AI / AI language 0 Backlog

Knowledge Base: Show article category in search results

Show the article category when searching for the article. Right now it only shows once you're clicked into the article.
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

Schedule go-live/publish dates for articles

(For internal knowledge base use case) - Allow us to update processes ahead of time and launch when ready
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

Add more triggers to require tags rules

Require tag rules currently apply to move and archive actions. It could be useful to offer other options: reply, comment, etc.
about 3 years ago in Rule library 2 Backlog

[tone] New 'Neutral' or 'Casual' Tone for AI compose

Opinionated feedback so it might not be worth much, but I'd like a 4th tone option that'd be best described as 'casual' or 'neutral'. I find our current options (professional, friendly and empathetic) to sometimes be 'too much' in the way they phr...
7 months ago in AI / AI compose 0 Backlog

Allow Multiple Accounts to Exist with the Same Domain

In a situation where I have 7 subsidiaries of with unique contact lists it would be awesome to be able to identify that a person is associated with a particular location for attribution purposes
about 1 year ago in Contacts 0 Backlog

Tag a message instead of entire conversation

Be able to tag an e-mail and not necessarily an entire conversation
over 1 year ago in Core Product Experience 4 Backlog

Notify admin members when a channel is disconnected

When a user's channel is disconnected, only the user itself gets a notification. When that user is on leave, the only way to realize this is to manually check all inboxes. Notifying the admin members of this issue will help to ensure continuity.
about 2 years ago in Teammate management 0 Backlog