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Turn off contacts auto-suggest

Being able to turn off auto-suggest in composer for all Front users
almost 2 years ago in Search sorting 0 Backlog

Shared scheduling link for multiple people

Ability to have scheduling links for 2 or more people so that all teammates can offer their availability and a guest can schedule with any of them.
about 4 years ago in Cal Collaboration / Scheduling Links 0 Backlog

Add more triggers to require tags rules

Require tag rules currently apply to move and archive actions. It could be useful to offer other options: reply, comment, etc.
about 3 years ago in Rule library 2 Backlog

Knowledge Base: Show article category in search results

Show the article category when searching for the article. Right now it only shows once you're clicked into the article.
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

Schedule go-live/publish dates for articles

(For internal knowledge base use case) - Allow us to update processes ahead of time and launch when ready
over 1 year ago in Knowledge Base 0 Backlog

Display more "oldest conversations" in the Live Dashboard

No description provided
4 months ago in Live dashboard 0 Backlog

[language] Translate selected portion of previous messages

Currently the "Compose with AI" Translate option is only available for the messaging being composed - it would be very helpful if we can also highlight text from earlier conversations and have that translated as well within Front app. Perhaps as a...
7 months ago in AI / AI language 0 Backlog

Allow Multiple Accounts to Exist with the Same Domain

In a situation where I have 7 subsidiaries of with unique contact lists it would be awesome to be able to identify that a person is associated with a particular location for attribution purposes
about 1 year ago in Contacts 0 Backlog

[tone] New 'Neutral' or 'Casual' Tone for AI compose

Opinionated feedback so it might not be worth much, but I'd like a 4th tone option that'd be best described as 'casual' or 'neutral'. I find our current options (professional, friendly and empathetic) to sometimes be 'too much' in the way they phr...
7 months ago in AI / AI compose 0 Backlog

Color coding for shared calendar events

We are using a shared calendar and hoping to have specific event types show as unique colors: For example 1. Training = Blue 2. Demos = Green When viewing this shared calendar within Front Calendar feature or setting the event it does not appear t...
about 4 years ago in Cal Collaboration / Calendar View 2 Backlog