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Drag & drop an email as an attachment into a draft

Option to grab an existing e-mail communication and drop it into another one as attachment.
over 2 years ago in Attachments 0 Backlog

Language support: Chinese

No description provided
about 1 year ago in Native features 0 Backlog

CSAT survey: Easier rules configuration options

It’s easy to create a rule to automatically send the survey per conversation, but it requires a more complex custom setup for more advanced configuration. For example with custom fields and custom smart rules to send a survey per contact and no mo...
about 1 year ago in CSAT - Customisation - Survey 0 Backlog

Display multiple timezones in Front calendar

No description provided
almost 4 years ago in Calendar View 1 Backlog

Notes on an account level in Contacts

There currently is the ability to add notes to a contact but when you switch the contact to the account level, that feature goes away. This would allow us to log notes to the account regardless of who reaches out to our support team.
over 1 year ago in Contacts 0 Backlog

HubSpot tickets integration

Front integrated with Hubspot Deals, but it would also be great to use with support tickets as well.
over 1 year ago in Existing integrations 1 Backlog

[action] AI compose to show the before and after

I wish AI compose to be easier to use. Problem 1: It requires to many clicks, it's not automated enough ideas: inline suggestion; autocomplete; floating bar ... Problem 2: hard to know the changes when using a compose text transformation ideas: Se...
7 months ago in AI / AI compose / Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Audit which teammates aren't using their inbox access

Some company admins want to keep shared inbox access controls to the minimum necessary. A teammate may have been granted access but rarely views conversations in the inbox, which means their access can be revoked. How can we help company admins to...
almost 2 years ago in Resource access settings 0 Backlog

Add ability to disable autocorrect emojis

Front has a feature that autocorrects certain punctuation to emojis. I would like the ability to disable this feature. I frequently use certain URLs and file paths which autocorrect to emojis. Which, as you can imagine, I don't want to happen. Ple...
about 1 year ago in Core Product Experience 1 Backlog

Expose phishing information through the API

Allow users to see whether a conversation has been marked as phishing when fetching it via the API
almost 2 years ago in Core API 0 Backlog