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Dynamic image in signatures

Allow admins to design shared signatures where the image is individualised to the teammate. The image may be personal like a headshot or signature, or could be dependent on the team they belong to. This could be achieved through a new "image type"...
over 1 year ago in Custom fields / Signatures 1 Backlog

Ability to tag a discussion when composing it

Similar to how users can tag an email while composing a new one, users should have the ability to tag a discussion while composing one, especially since you can do it after the fact anyway.
almost 2 years ago in Internal discussions 0 Backlog

Suggest users who I have interacted with the most in the participant menu

Suggestion for the participant list to show teammates that the user has interacted with the most (i.e. have added as a participant in other conversations), instead of what today's list is actually based which is who they have recently assigned oth...
almost 2 years ago in Access - what's accessible or visible to whom in P3 0 Backlog

Application Webhook: Monitor request logs

As a developer building a private Application Webhook for my team, it would be helpful to see a log of payloads Front sent to my webhook via a Front dashboard, and the responses returned by my app. Even just exposing these for the past hour or so ...
4 months ago in Links 0 Backlog

Add a forward button next to the reply button so it's more easily accessible

No description provided
about 1 year ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Notification or indicator for emoji reactions

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Notifications 1 Backlog

Easy "find a time" feature when scheduling with many guests (scheduling assistant)

No description provided
over 2 years ago in Cal/scheduling efficiency 0 Backlog

Warn users when emailing outside of domain

Have a warning banner appear alerting sender from sending a message when emailing an external email domain. Much like this gmail functionality:
over 1 year ago in Compliance & security / Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Keyboard shortcut: Tab to cc field

Would like to be able to move from the "To" field to the "cc" field with the tab key as opposed to having to switch over to mouse, click "cc" in order to open up the field, then click into cc field and type name. The more I can navigate through me...
over 1 year ago in Composer 2 Backlog

Auto-capitalize first letter in a sentence

No description provided
about 4 years ago in Composer 0 Backlog