Highlight row when swiping back from a message on mobile
Similar to the native mail app on the iPhone, it would be great to gray the conversation you just returned from. It’s subtle, but very helpful. I have put a screenshot here to illustrate this better.
Add a conversation's custom fields to the front app context api
Currently the WebViewSingleConversationContext context type does not include the conversation's custom fields. This would be helpful information to get initially to find ids for looking up information from other platform apis without having to do ...
Can you add an average word-count for emails received. The complexity of emails is often a challenge, and counting volume of incoming mails doesn't encapsulate this.
We love the ability to "attach" a link from Dropbox but it would be even better if that were an option in comments or discussions. We only get the option in an email. Is this something that can be added as future updates are worked on and implemen...
HubSpot integration - populate Assigned To variable when logging emails
When we send an email through Front and use the HubSpot integration and logging rule to log to HubSpot, the email is marked as "unassigned" on HubSpot's end and we are unable to assign it after the fact. Because these emails are unassigned, they a...
Is it possible to update the chatbot transcript so it shows chat bubbles instead of a thread with all the chatbot history? It's better to show maybe 20 of the last messages with chat bubbles.
similar to slack, it would be great if there was the ability to create buttons and interactions inside of threads. For example, if there are updates from external systems that took place and users could take actions inside of conversations instead...