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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 17, 2023

Remove email participants if they're removed from the conversation on subsequent replies

When working in Shared Inboxes, there are times when an external email participant may remove other recipients and send only to specific people. However, in Front, everyone still sees this if they were included on the original email. It's caused a lot of friction with clients and teams both externally and internally. Can we mirror Outlook in that only those listed as recipients receive subsequent replies to emails?

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    Sean Xie
    Sep 2, 2023

    Hi Dana,

    Thank you for submitting an idea.

    In Front, we do not split the conversation or remove participants when recipients change to optimize for more transparency which typically results in better team efficiency. As an example:

    • Customer emails team@

    • Otto replies with individual email address (otto@)

    • Customer replies only to otto@ and drops team@ -> the conversation still lives in team@, we don't split.

    We definitely empathize with your sentiment, however it's a very complex situation and in fact many teams rely on the fact that when people forget to reply-all, they can still see and act on the conversation as a team. It's impossible for us to know if the author just accidentally took everyone off the thread by replying/forwarding to only one person instead of replying-all, or whether they intentionally did it.

    We will regularly revisit this behavior which may lead to product improvements which can help the situation you described.
