We'd like the ability to authenticate users in Front's KB, so we know who is asking for help if they initiate a chat within the KB and we can automatically verify chat visitor identity using the Front Chat SDK.
Why it's useful: Quicker shortcut than typing Alt + 0151 (fingers don't have to migrate over to numbers pad)Who would benefit: All grammatically savvy and efficient Front users!How would it work: It could operate exactly how it does in Outlook or ...
Generally it's great. A major drawback is the inability view google calendars shared with my google account. Inability to compress forwarded images is also an issue for me.
Print Conversation function prints/coverts to PDF in full resolution as opposed to a "preview" of included attachments.
Currently only when using the Print Conversation feature (Conversation 3 dot menu > Print) , it also includes the attachments inside the print/convert to PDF. Unfortunately, depending on the document, these "previews" of the attachment are down...
Allow developers to declare type of a custom channel
let customers "declare" the type of a custom channel? Like the implementation would be custom but we could still see it as "chat" or "voice" or "SMS" for other parts of the app? https://front.frontapp.com/open/cnv_fprkd4z?key=2WA7WXqjVd6l0ZyPEZB-Z...