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Show metadata of social media accounts (i.e. follower count) I am interacting with

Ability to see the follower count of a user I’m interacting with on Front app and filter incoming requests by follower count
about 2 years ago in Other channels 0 Backlog

Integration with Copper CRM

Add Copper CRM to the available integrations to manage leads, opportunities and contacts within Front.
about 2 years ago in Developer Platform 0 Backlog

Collapse Dynamic Object Previewer

While configuring advanced dynamic objects with the customer, when a successful Fetch from server or successful parse of the payload is done, the green previewer is extremely long and difficult to see if the payload is large . One recommendation i...
about 1 year ago in Dynamic objects 0 Backlog

Add ability to navigate lists via keyboard

Whenever I’m tagging a conversation, navigating message templates, or any list for that matter, I’m unable to use CTRL-N and CTRL-P to move up and down the list. I’m forced to use the arrow keys which also breaks ergonomics. Google chrome, a numbe...
about 2 years ago in Desktop 0 Backlog

2FA via SMS instead of authenticator app

So that we can still receive 2FA code via phone number, in case of lost phone/replacement where we no longer have access to the Authenticator app.
about 2 years ago in Security 0 Backlog

Add mailbox setting option to order the conversations/emails above the thread w/preview pane below

This is request is to be able to customize mailbox layout similar to GMail, MS Outlook, YahooMail, or other email clients to have message preview reading pane on the bottom rather than to the right of message list.
about 1 year ago in Other (CPX) 1 Backlog

Add Attachment from Google Drive (Shared Inboxes)

In addition to My Drive, Shared with Me & Upload can we add the ability to see Shared Drives folders and files.
about 1 year ago in Existing integrations 0 Backlog

Show recently opened KB articles on conversation from a contact

Help support agents identify the types of KB articles that a contact has interacted with.
about 1 year ago in  0 Backlog

Change the color of a newly created inbox/team inbox

Hi, Using the API to create a new inbox/team inbox. It would be so helpful to enable the ability to change the color in the settings of the item. Similar to what is already enabled when creating a tag, using the highlight attribute.
about 1 year ago in Resources 0 Backlog

Make pinned comments more prominent

Make pinned comments easier to view and access within a conversation so they don't get missed.
about 1 year ago in Comments / @ mentions 3 Backlog