Do not override customer contact details with pre-live chat form entries
We ask to collect info in the pre livechat form (e.g. email + a reference using a custom field) but if the customer types this in wrong or doesn't enter anything this information will be edited / deleted from the contact information. We need this ...
Let users of an inbox be able to see what other users have access to this inbox.
Users of a shared inbox need to know who they share the inbox with. It is indispensible for cooperation and communication that users of shared inboxes know who else has the information they have. Most of the users are not administrators. Administr...
We would like to be able to customize the content of the calendar invite email. It is currently too "bulky" and forces us to use Google Calendar externally.
Search Conversation Endpoint - More flexible Date paramters
The search conversation endpoint has limited date-searching parameters. 'Before' and 'After' are only able to filter by a conversation's first message. There is a need to search for Conversations by the most recent message timestamp.
Have the ability to right click the reading plane or the message summary plain and have the same options as in the bread crumb menu (i.e. reply, tag, delete etc.)