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Export contact notes

It would be great to be able to export and import contact notes as part of the contact functionality.
over 1 year ago in Other (Contacts) 0 Backlog

Access runbooks, SOPs, checklists in the conversation

Often times, our staff needs to reference checklists and SOPs that guide them on how to resolve a customer request or to perform an assigned task that came into a shared inbox. Often times our teams have to go to an outside system to find the SOPs...

Configure columns for custom fields in contacts manager

I saw that I could use Custom Fields to add custom columns. But unfortunately I can't configure them the way I want.Example in this screenshot, the Twitter and Description columns don't interest me at all. I would have liked to be able to delete/h...
over 1 year ago in Contacts 0 Backlog

View login attempt logs as admin

As an admin, I would like to see an audit log of all successful and failed login attempts to our Front account
over 1 year ago in Login and SSO settings 0 Backlog

Ability to adjust email headers

It would be very useful to be able to add headers to messages sent via a custom SMTP server.
over 3 years ago in Message headers / metadata 1 Backlog

Create a shortcut for "block sender" or move it to the top toolbar

Make "block sender" easier use by creating a hotkey/shortcut or moving it to become a top-level action in the main view toolbar.
over 3 years ago in Triage - get to inbox 0 1 Backlog

iPad keyboard shortcuts

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Mobile 1 Backlog

Remove Participants as an option for the Move Action in rules

We currently have options when moving conversations with a rule for Restricting participants or Keeping them. Having the option to "remove all participants" from a conversation would allow for a conversation to be moved to another inbox "fresh", a...
about 2 years ago in Rule actions 1 Backlog

Do not override customer contact details with pre-live chat form entries

We ask to collect info in the pre livechat form (e.g. email + a reference using a custom field) but if the customer types this in wrong or doesn't enter anything this information will be edited / deleted from the contact information. We need this ...
about 2 years ago in Front Chat 0 Backlog

Let users of an inbox be able to see what other users have access to this inbox.

Users of a shared inbox need to know who they share the inbox with. It is indispensible for cooperation and communication that users of shared inboxes know who else has the information they have. Most of the users are not administrators. Administr...
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog