Chatbot: Set knowledge base as default tab upon opening
Would be very useful to have to option to set the knowledge base/Help center tab as the default one so that when a user opens the chatbot they arrive on the Help center tab instead of the chat.
Create Default Option/viewing always last message in thread
it is important when there is a conversation with many participants to view always the last sent message when you search it and open it instead of touching the button jump to most recent .
Improved API support for bulk or batch imports/updates of resources
As an API user, the ability to create batches of resources, specifically Tags and Contacts, would be very helpful. I regularly hit my API rate limit when trying to migrate large groups of Contacts into Front
We think this would be a nice feature: being able to automatically switch signatures based on tags. So, if a conversation has tag A, use signature X. This could even simply work with the existing rules feature. The signatures could be added to the...