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[Contacts Basics] Sort & filter contacts in the contacts manager

Being able to filter contacts & lists in the contacts manager by attributes such as account, source, last updated, name etc.
over 3 years ago in Contacts Manager 0 Backlog

Private comments / notes to self on conversations

Also: notes without a conversation
almost 2 years ago in Comments / @ mentions 1 Backlog

Ability to "mark conversations as distinct" so that option to merge disappears?

It would be great to have a way to "mark conversations as distinct" or "keep separate" so that the option to merge disappears at the bottom of the conversation (if it's appearing to being with). We've noticed use cases where we need to keep conver...
almost 2 years ago in Merge / privacy leaks / threading 0 Backlog

Ability to duplicate message template

Ability to copy message templates.
about 2 years ago in Message templates 2 Backlog

Global Variable

I think it will be useful to have a place to add global variables with a predeterminate value that you can use later in the templates and the link of image in that way when a change is made to any of the link for example you only do the change in ...
21 days ago in Custom fields 0 Backlog

Filtering search on conversations with a single participant

Would help when I'm looking for a 1:1 discussion for instance, instead of surfacing all team discussions where this person is included
21 days ago in Filters 0 Backlog

Customising displayed search filters shortcuts

When I know I'm never using tag filters but I'm often leveraging the subject line for instance, it would be great to have the ability to select the filters displayed by default under the search bar
21 days ago in Filters 0 Backlog

Dark mode for mobile app (iOS and Android)

Please make dark mode available for phone app as well
about 2 years ago in Client Platform 2 Backlog

Non-contiguous Copy + Paste

Currently in Outlook, I have the ability to highlight non-contiguous text, copy those items, and paste into an outside application.
almost 2 years ago in Composer 0 Backlog

Custom message order so that the most recent email in a conversation thread is shown at the top

Ability to change the order in which new messages are displayed in a thread. Today, the oldest message is at the top, and the most recent is at the bottom.
about 4 years ago in P3 display 11 Backlog