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Delete/trash conversation keyboard shortcut

Allow the keyboard shortcut for deleting or trashing a conversation to be customized, instead of just the "Delete" key on the full keyboard.
19 days ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Flag all rules and macros that break when deleting a resource (tag, teammate, etc.)

When deleting a resource like a teammate, tag, or inbox, Front should flag all the rules and macros currently using that resource so that admin can update these workflows accordingly.
22 days ago in Rule management 1 Backlog

Streamline management of teammate custom fields in table

Show and edit custom fields directly in teammates table without having to navigate into each user.
26 days ago in Custom fields 0 Backlog

Schedule emails for the Live Dashboard

Be able to keep track of open / waiting etc. conversations on a regular basis
27 days ago in Insights 0 Backlog

Update metric calculation for "new" and "closed workload"

Currently, the scope of the report is not taken into account when calculating the metrics, leading to multiple counts. Ex: conversation is moved from inbox A to B. It will increment the new workload by one (for B) and the closed workload by one (f...
27 days ago in Insights 0 Backlog

Remove "unresolved conversations" from Analytics

The metric is confusing and does not fulfil the user's expectations. It is particularly wrong in the time breakdowns (heat map, time chart)
27 days ago in Insights 0 Backlog

[customize] AI suggested replies and Ask your KB to conserve links in their answer

Today, Suggested Reply and Ask your KB are not keeping the links present inside their sourced KB article, in their answer. As a result users lose efficiency by having to find the source material and copy the link. The request is to keep the links ...

Date-only Custom Field format (not time)

Currently a date value that is imported assumes a time value (midnight?) and then converts that from my local time to UTC, so what is displayed in the field instead of say Jan 1/25 is Dec. 31/24 4PM. The ask is to add a date-only format option to ...
about 1 month ago in Admin Experience 0 Backlog

Change sending email address for auto reply/Customer Feedback request

Summary: When creating an auto-response rule or 'Measure Customer Satisfaction' rule, it would be nice to change the sent from email address. A customer (currently in opt-out phase), has onboarded both their Support and Customer Success teams. The...
about 1 month ago in Auto-reply / Missing core rule actions / Rule actions 0 Backlog

Have an additional field to upload files in accounts

For every account, we would like to be able to upload a file (excel or one note) containing our customer profile details.
about 1 month ago in Custom fields / Developer Platform 0 Backlog