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My ideas: Admin Experience

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Date-only Custom Field format (not time)

Currently a date value that is imported assumes a time value (midnight?) and then converts that from my local time to UTC, so what is displayed in the field instead of say Jan 1/25 is Dec. 31/24 4PM. The ask is to add a date-only format option to ...
about 1 month ago in Admin Experience 0 Backlog

End shifts in the busy status

Set up shifts so that teammates are set as "Busy" X min before the end of their shifts, in order to allow for a smoother end of work transition. This way, teammates can finish their work without getting assigned brand new conversations that will r...
6 months ago in Admin Experience / Workforce management 0 Backlog

Have an additional field to upload files in accounts

For every account, we would like to be able to upload a file (excel or one note) containing our customer profile details.
about 1 month ago in Custom fields / Developer Platform 0 Backlog

Update Twilio SMS Channel Credentials in App

Currently it's not possible for team's to update their Account SID or Auth Token within the channel settings of their Twilio SMS channel. To update their credentials they have to reach out to the Support team which can take some time for a respons...
2 months ago in Default channel management 0 Backlog

Show time off end date next to a teammate's name

No description provided
6 months ago in Admin Experience / Teammate management / Workforce management 0 Backlog

Admin can enforce 2FA for all teammates

Use case 1 (general): To improve security, an admin can force users to set up 2FA the next time they log in, and block them from accessing Front until it has been completed. The admin would need to set up their own 2FA first as a prerequisite. Use...
over 3 years ago in Login and SSO settings 1 Backlog

Admins can lock the value of teammate preferences

Today, teammates have the flexibility to change many preferences and customize their experience. However, in some cases, admins may want to lock the value of some of these preferences in order to create a consistent customer experience and ensure ...
over 1 year ago in Admins can lock teammate-level settings 0 Backlog

More granular permissions for rule creation

Ability to have more granular permissions when it comes to "rule creation". It would be important to have some rule templates/rule types that certain users can create

Support BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification)

4 months ago in Compliance & security 0 Backlog

Permission to manage teammate availability status

If a teammate forgets to mark themselves OOO, then it will disrupt the team's workflows and assignment rules. Today, only a company admin or teammate with 'Teammate - Invite/Manage' permission can change another user's OOO status. By adding a new ...