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API - improve channel fetching (pagination and search)

Paginate GET /channels results, and enable filtering by type
almost 2 years ago in Core API 0 Backlog

[accuracy] See more similar conversations

It would be helpful if we could: flag suggested conversations that were not helpful (more often than not, there's at least 1 irrelevant suggested similar convo) have the AI generate more similar conversations if possible (when the user flags one o...
7 months ago in AI / AI similar conversations 0 Backlog

[UX] Better conversation preview for Similar Conversations

I wish to better understand if a similar conversation is a good one, so I can open it up and get the answer I need. I need to quickly see what a conversation is about. What about seeing a Similar Conversation answer, which is a text saying why thi...
7 months ago in AI / AI similar conversations 0 Backlog

Improve the visibility of the names of Analytics views when multiple are pinned

No description provided
almost 2 years ago in Insights 0 Backlog

Turn off ability to edit the subject

No description provided
7 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Backlog

Ability to generate contact lists dynamically based on custom fields

Instead of having static contact lists, they should be dynamically updated based on contact lists. This will ensure that the right people are getting emailed every time without having to remember to manually update organizational changes. For exam...
about 1 year ago in Contacts / Custom fields 0 Backlog

Always add a recipient when using a specific message template

No description provided
almost 3 years ago in Message templates / Other (workflows) 0 Backlog

Attach from Front – ability to attach any email or document from anywhere in Front directly in the composer

When composing an email, attaching from anywhere in Front would be useful so that users can query across emails and attachments. Customers are often referencing things in other conversations.
about 1 year ago in Compose - write efficiently with quality 0 Backlog

Automatic Refreshing of Analytics Page

We display our team Analytics on a large screen in our office. We would love this to auto refresh so that the information on display is always current
7 months ago in Insights 0 Backlog

Add Citrix Podio as an add-on/extension for Front

Gmail offers this. Podio is our project management app - it would be great to add tasks directly from Front, citing the email.
about 1 year ago in New integration requests 0 Backlog