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Core Product Experience

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Ability to emoji react to emails

It would be cool if we could react to emails with emojis such as how we can react to comments.
over 1 year ago in Collaborate - work together seamlessly / P3 display 0 Backlog

Recently used tag dropdown configurable by user

for example: increased from 5 to 10, or toggle off altogether
almost 2 years ago in Tags 0 Backlog

Ability to toggle date format for snooze to non-US

To be able to set it to dd-mm-yy or mm-dd-yy
over 2 years ago in Snooze 1 Backlog

Drag email into different individual inbox

It doesn't seem like you can click an email and drag between individual inboxes in your Me section. I can change it in the inbox selector but that brings in the entire list of shared inboxes which is overwhelming. I just want to be able to click a...
about 1 year ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Linked Conversations support for Discussions

Managers may have an internal discussion about a task list pertaining to an email conversation. Rather than add the task list to the comments of the email conversation, they'd like to create a separate discussion for the task list and link that di...
about 1 year ago in Core Product Experience / Linked conversations 0 Backlog

Improve handling of Forms as a channel, improve form field management

No description provided
about 1 year ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Setting to always show CC line when composing a message

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Message headers / metadata 0 Backlog

Don't require signature to set sender info

Currently, in order for the sender's name to appear in an email to the recipient, a signature must be used. It would be nice to pull the sender's name from their Front profile or allow it to be set elsewhere without the need to create a signature....
almost 2 years ago in Signatures 2 Backlog

Adding distribution list to calendar invites

When sending a calendar invite, if we have distribution lists for different departments, it would be nice to include them there, as its time consuming adding one by one.
over 1 year ago in Calendar View 0 Backlog

Disable dynamic variables within composer

Remove '{{ }}' function from the composer so it can be used in the email body
over 2 years ago in Message templates 1 Backlog