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Live Chat

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Front Chat popup notifications

Would be great to have some kind of popup (bottom right) when a new chat conversation comes in to better notify team members.
almost 2 years ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog

Show what Front Chat visitors are typing before they've sent their message

No description provided
about 3 years ago in Live Chat 1 Backlog

[channel] AI suggested replies on more channel types (SMS, chat, custom..)

Same as auto-draft with AI for emails, but for chat and SMS or others TBD
8 months ago in AI / AI suggested replies (auto draft) / Live Chat 0 Backlog

Option to display Knowledge Base widget (without live chat) during offline hours

Option to only show help centre from chat widget. Especially useful when chat is 'offline'. When offline hours are enabled, the widget is completely hidden from the site. This also hides the knowledge base, which seems like a strange thing to do. ...
almost 1 year ago in Knowledge Base / Live Chat 0 Planned

Chatbot timing for text that pops up on your page

It would be fantastic if chat bot would allow customization to control the amount of time that passes on a page before that initial message pops up. It is quite distracting if the customer is working on the web page and our chatbot greeting messag...
about 1 year ago in Chatbots 6 Backlog

Option for chat visitors to close the chatbot conversation themselves

As it is now, there is no way for a chat visitors to close the chat, instead of either waiting in the middle of a chat flow without reaching an end of path, or getting redirected to our inbox when it isn't necessary or if they have found the answe...
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 1 Backlog

Smaller Front Chat bundle size

The size of the Front Chat JS bundle triggers some "Reduce unused JavaScript" warnings when running a Lighthouse page speed test. Is it possible to find any ways to optimize the bundle size of the chat widget, such as only requesting modules I nee...
over 1 year ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog

Track how many chat visitors click on links provided in chatbot flow

It would be helpful to be able to track how many chat visitors click on links provided in chatbot flow to see if the resources are helpful or not.
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 0 Backlog

Chatbots: Ability to combine certain options in a multiple choice question

Currently every multiple-choice option creates a new path. It would be helpful to be able to combine a subset (or all) of the multiple-choice option paths so we don't have to duplicate a path for each option.
over 1 year ago in Chatbots 0 Backlog

Add a chat widget landing page to the chat widget

Add a chat widget landing page when visitor opens widget that offers different resources such as ability to start a chat conversation, view previous chat conversations, view Help Center articles, submit a CSAT rating, and more.
over 2 years ago in Live Chat 0 Backlog