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[language] More language support for AI Compose translate and AI message translate

We want more language support for the translate action in AI compose and the AI message translation feature. Languages like: Norwegian Hungarian Czech Latvian Lithuanian
7 days ago in AI / AI compose / AI language / AI message translation 1 Backlog

Export Analytics metrics "Time spent in..."

The "Time spent in" metrics are available in the Analytics UI but not in the API or exports
about 16 hours ago in Insights 0 Backlog

Display timezone of reports in Analytics

Metrics are affected by the user's timezone. Users in different timezones will see different values, but have no clear way to notice why.
about 17 hours ago in Insights 0 Backlog
400 VOTE

Comments will not cancel a snooze event

A lot of teams have a workflow where they snooze a conversation and continue to comment on it. It can be frustrating for them to always have to click Snooze again when it was internal comments that broke the snooze rather than a message from the c...
almost 2 years ago in Snooze 3 Backlog

Flag all rules and macros that break when deleting a resource (tag, teammate, etc.)

When deleting a resource like a teammate, tag, or inbox, Front should flag all the rules and macros currently using that resource so that admin can update these workflows accordingly.
18 days ago in Rule management 1 Backlog
399 VOTE

Mark an inbound or outbound message as high or low importance

Inbound and outbound messages in Outlook can be set to have high or low importance: Requesting...
about 2 years ago in Email channels 15 Backlog

Macros: Default value in "Collect Teammate Answer" form

I'm building a Macro and want to provide a default value in a "Collect Teammate Answers" form. An example of how this could be used;I'm building an escalation workflow. The teammate should pick from a "Priority" enum field (High, Normal, Low) - I ...
5 days ago in Macros 0

Specify fields to receive in Application Webhook events

My team uses Application Webhooks to ingest data from Front. We generally only need to access certain fields in an event payload, with most of the data in the payload being discarded. To help save on our ingress bandwidth costs (and Front's egress...
5 days ago in Developer Platform 0
563 VOTE

Ability to @mention a team

This will allow users to @ mention an entire group/team in a comment to notify all individuals at once.
about 4 years ago in Comments / @ mentions 20 Backlog

Finer granularity (seconds) on Time Since Trigger rule condition

My team has a use case where we need to wait a few seconds after an event in Front before a Rule triggers. It would be helpful if the Time Since Trigger condition could support a finer granularity (seconds) Seems related to https://front.ideas.aha...
8 days ago in Rule conditions 0