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Navigate - find your work

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Access runbooks, SOPs, checklists in the conversation

Often times, our staff needs to reference checklists and SOPs that guide them on how to resolve a customer request or to perform an assigned task that came into a shared inbox. Often times our teams have to go to an outside system to find the SOPs...

Link to existing conversation by ID or search dialog

Currently, the only way to link existing conversations is with Mass linking (selecting multiple conversations in the conversation list). Linking existing conversations is impractical and difficult for users if the conversations do not already exis...
6 months ago in Linked conversations 0 Backlog

Display email count for partially delegated inbox(es)

Currently, there is no email counter for delegated inboxes.I am proposing that delegated inbox should have counters, just like all other inboxes. Just like in any other inbox, email count is necessary (and expected) so you can know when you have n...
7 months ago in P1 navigation - left pane 0 Backlog

Linked Conversations support for Discussions

Managers may have an internal discussion about a task list pertaining to an email conversation. Rather than add the task list to the comments of the email conversation, they'd like to create a separate discussion for the task list and link that di...
8 months ago in Core Product Experience / Linked conversations 0 Backlog

Linked conversation - New linked request (between 2 inboxes)

Use case: Department A receives a new request (cnv_1) Department A needs to keep cnv_1 in their inbox But department A needs to create a linked conversation to be sent to department B inbox (cnv_2) cnv_2 needs to be linked to cnv_1 cnv_2 needs to ...
8 months ago in Linked conversations 1 Backlog

Age order of emails customised

It would be good to have emails ordered oldest to newest in the inbox, but then newest to oldest in the archived section, for example. At the moment, you need to choose either oldest to newest or newest to oldest for ALL areas of the individual in...
10 months ago in Navigate - find your work 0 Backlog

Remove Inbox limit for personal/shared Views (50 inboxes)

We connect Front to a bunch of Slack channels, an individual channel for every big client. There is a separate inbox for each channel, so far so good. Now, we use "Unassigned" view to see tickets that have "Unassigned" tag, as well as other view t...
11 months ago in P1 navigation - left pane 0 Backlog

Enhanced P1 side bar editing

Admins that manage a large amount of workspaces are struggeling to (pin inboxes/ pin teammtes/pin tags) in their navigation pane since they have to scroll all the way down again when clicking on the (edit sidebar) icon
11 months ago in P1 navigation - left pane 0 Backlog

Ability to group notifications when receiving multiple emails/assignments at once

When things are assigned to me in bulk all at once rather than getting 1 notification about it I will get individual notifications for each one. This is problematic when I get 20+ all at once. Would be great to have an option to group notification...
11 months ago in Notifications 0 Backlog

Ability to make an email visible in multiple inboxes

Let's say a question is relevant to several teams. Instead of individually tagging the team members in the email or forwarding the email, is there a way to make the email visible in multiple inboxes simultaneously? It would be great if we could ha...
12 months ago in Navigate - find your work 0 Backlog