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Core Product Experience

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400 VOTE

Comments will not cancel a snooze event

A lot of teams have a workflow where they snooze a conversation and continue to comment on it. It can be frustrating for them to always have to click Snooze again when it was internal comments that broke the snooze rather than a message from the c...
almost 2 years ago in Snooze 3 Backlog
563 VOTE

Ability to @mention a team

This will allow users to @ mention an entire group/team in a comment to notify all individuals at once.
about 4 years ago in Comments / @ mentions 20 Backlog
266 VOTE

@mention someone in an email when composing

When I @mention someone in an email, I would like the user's contact to be automatically added as a recipient or at least given the option to tag them in the body to make specific call outs.
over 2 years ago in Composer 15 Backlog
145 VOTE

Internal/External Out of Office

Hello Can we extend the vacation responder so you can set one responder for internal and another for external. We often need to provide different responses to the inside and outside of the organisation.
almost 2 years ago in Vacation responders 2 Backlog

Delete/trash conversation keyboard shortcut

Allow the keyboard shortcut for deleting or trashing a conversation to be customized, instead of just the "Delete" key on the full keyboard.
17 days ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Adding spell checks and grammar suggestions languages other than English

The Front integration of Grammarly does not support other languages. Add integrations with tools like "Language Tool" that support other languages
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 2 Backlog

Setting to turn on/off auto-shared drafts

Add the ability to turn on/off the new(ish) feature that automatically shares a draft with all participants. That way a user can decide if they want to have control over when a draft is ready to be shared.
almost 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 0 Backlog

Keyboard shortcut: jump to top of conversation

A button or shortcut to jump to the very first email of a conversation

Add Tags to Sidebar by default

When creating a new subtag in the sidebar by clicking the three dot drop down, the default is to not have "show in sidebar" checked. It would make more sense to default to checking this box. It's very easy to remove a tag sitting on the sidebar, b...
almost 2 years ago in P1 navigation - left pane / Tags 2 Backlog

Ability to preview attachments

Ability to preview attachments in an email without downloading.
about 2 years ago in Core Product Experience 2 Backlog