Integrate chatbot with API so we can automate lookups to external databases. Ex) Automate lookups like appointment time, enter a zip code to find store locations, etc.
have email notifications in Front produced by Atlassian to connect to the objects in Jira/ServiceDesk to do updates like: add comments to the task (internal, public) update assignee update watchers Be able to link an existing conversation in Front...
Open Message in inbox if messaged received while sending and archiving
I have missed dozens of important messages because I hit "send and archive" and the client replys back while that is happening. The archive overrides it and I never see the new message until I get a reminder from client or I go looking for it.
For messages sent/received with O365's native encryption feature, allow the content to be decrypted and viewed without leaving Front. Similarly, allow encrypted messages to be sent from Front which can be decrypted by appropriate O365 users.
Allow external users to receive emails of chat transcripts
We have external users who don't login to Front who like to see what customers are asking at a glance. When we used Intercom, they could receive chat transcripts in their inbox. If similar functionality was possible at Front that would be great!
Good morning Would it be possible to request a shortcut for Forward as a new Conversation please? We forward a lot of itineraries throughout the day and to make sure the subject line is open when I do this, I have to forward as a new conversation....